Otero Country Adovcates for Developmental Disabilities

We want to give back to this great community

The Otero County Advocates for Developmental Disabilities was founded in 2019 by parents of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

We are a support group that strives to enhance positive and inclusive results for family members with intellectual and developmental disabilities, self-advocates, their families, and caregivers through resources etc. in the rural areas of the Southwest region of New Mexico.

Enhancing Positive Outcomes For Families

1. Support

We offer supportive environments that fuus on imporving quality of life

2. Education

We provide educational tools that focus on independent living, life skills, employment, self-advocacy, and family support.

3. Social Networking

Providing knowledge to families, connecting families, and providing them with opportunities for weekly get-togethers in public spaces.

Otero County Advocates For Developmental Disabilities is a non-profit organization.

We are not a service agency. OCADD is run by volunteers only.

Why We Are Here

Latest Statistics

According to the latest data from the CDC, 1 in 36 children will be diagnosed with Autism each year. The number keeps rising and more and more families and communities must adapt to these changes. Changes

Change Is Needed

Changes are necessary to have everyone live in an inclusive community that provides the needed support and accommodations for their community members.

Help and Support

We see the need for our organization here in Alamogordo and Otero County more than ever by the increasing numbers of parents, caregivers, and self-advocates asking us for help and support in various situations.

Practical Help That Really Helps

OCADD offers a social network focusing on providing families with opportunities for
weekly get-togethers in public spaces such as coffee shops, restaurants, etc.